Megan Sinead, Graphic Designer
Megan Sinead, Graphic Designer

About Megan Sinead

My skills in the graphic arts vary from print design, branding, advertising and marketing, to web design and front-end development. I’m adept in Adobe Creative Suites up to Creative Cloud and have extensive experience coding with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

I’m a native Californian, originally from Los Angeles. I earned my Bachelors of Arts in Design from UC Davis, with an emphasis in Visual Communication, and made my home in Northern California ever since. 

Key Skills

Print Design    Print Production    Press Checks    Quality Control    Template Design    Web Design    HTML5     CSS3    JavaScript    Responsive Design    Mobile Optimization    Email Campaign Design    Web Graphics Typography    Logo Design   Branding    Photography    Photo Editing    Retouching   Visual Communication    Marketing Campaign Design   Vendor Negotiation    Project Management